
Germanwings-Flug 4U9525 - Märchenstunde oder was?

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that dispatches from the Northern Fleet (NF) appear to show that yesterdays downing of Germanwings Flight 4U 9525 in southern France yesterday was the “direct result” of a failed US Air Force test of its High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System (HELLADS) attempting to shoot down an ICBM reentry vehicle, but which, instead, destroyed this civilian airliner killing all 150 aboard.
According to this MoD report, the Northern Fleet, which is already on full combat alert, was alerted to this incident yesterday by the Severomorsk submarine chaser, currently operating in the Mediterranean, who reported that widespread atmospheric electrical anomalies over southern France, western Italy and southwestern Switzerland were being detected. The area where these detections were made by the Severomorsk, this report notes, also happens to be the combat operational area of the US Air Forces 510th Fighter Squadron operating out of the Aviano Air Base in Italy.
Curiously, this MoD further notes, these anomalies occurring in the 510th Fighter Squadron’s combat operating area of southern France yesterday came within the same time frame that British civilian radar systems went black; which was further confirmed by a Flight Emergencies posting stating: “Doing a bit of spotting at MAN, I look up and see an A380 passing overhead just past the BA, but nothing on radar? Hm” 

Kurzfassung: Das Verteidigungsministerium (MoD) gibt bekannt, das der Absturz der Germanwings-Maschine - Flug 4U9525 - möglicherweise das direkte Ergebnis eines fehlgeschlagenen Tests der US-Airforce/Nordflotte  mit einem Großlaser des Systems  "High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System (HELLADS)" ist. Der Laser sei abgeschossen worden, um eine Interkontinentalrakete beim Wiedereintritt in die Erdatmosphäre abzuschießen. Ursache für den Fehlversuch seien möglicherweise weitverbreitete
atmosphärische  elektrische Anomalien gewesen.

Quelle: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1852.htm


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